Principales publications
Désaunay Y., Guérault D., Le Pape O. and Poulard J.-C., Changes in occurrence and abundance of northern/southern flatfishes over a 20-year period in a coastal nursery area and on the eastern continental shelf of the bay of Biscay, in Scientia Marina 70 (Suppl. 1), juin 2006.
Désaunay Y. and Guérault D., Seasonal and long-term changes in biometrics of eel larvae: a possible relationship between recruitment variation and north Atlantic ecosystem productivity, in Journal of Fish Biology 51 (Suppl. A): 317-339, 1997.
Castelnaud G., Guérault D., Désaunay Y. et Elié P., Production et abondance de la civelle en France au début des années 90, in Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture n°335 : 263-287, 1994.
Dorel D., Koutsikopoulos C., Désaunay Y. and Marchand J., Seasonal distribution of young sole in the nursery ground of the bay of Vilaine, in Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 27 (3/4): 297-306, 1991.
Koutsikopoulos C., Désaunay Y., Dorel D. and Marchand J., The Role of coastal areas in the life history of sole in the bay of Biscay, in Scientia Marina 53 (2-3): 567-575, 1989.